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Version 1.0
This is a really simple script that allows realistic robberies of the banks. Currently I only have the Paleto bank and harmony Fleeca bank within it. I may add the 24/7 of Sandy Shores and Gun stores later on. Depending on suggestions of what other locations you guys want, I'll see what I can do!
Basically this allows an animation of robbing the bank for users and fun RP for all on the server.
Banks reset every 15 minutes after a bank robbery, so this gives the cops a break (this time is subject to increase/decrease if you find it in the server.lua and simply change the value '15' to another value). Once you start breaking into safes, beware that you cannot move and cannot cancel the action! This is why it's highly suggested you rob the bank with your friends/hooligans! They will need to protect you while you steal the goods! How do you rob the bank? Very easy, just walk up to the red circle and press the 'E' key! Once you start breaking in, the silent alarm will be triggered and everyone will know the bank is being robbed! I've shown a demo gif below.
You must have this properly installed for this script to work correctly -->
--- Config ---
timeToRob = 60 -- In seconds
robbingStr = "Breaking into safes..."
harmonySilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at ^5Harmony Fleeca Bank^1! All police forces are required to assist!"
paletoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at ^5Paleto Bank^1! All police forces are required to assist!"
Version 2.0
Credits to @TiggyTheTiger for his pull request
All stores/ammunations now can be robbed as well!
New Config
--- Config ---
timeToRob = 60 -- In seconds
robbingStr = "Breaking into the Safe..."
enableAmmunation = true -- Enables all Ammunations to be robbed.
enable247 = true -- Enables all 24/7's to be robbed.
enableGasStation = true -- Enables all Gas Stations to be robbed.
enableBank = true -- Enables all Banks to be robbed.
enableLiquor = true -- Enables all Liquor Stores to be robbed.
paletobankSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Blaine County Savings Bank in Paleto Bay^1! All police units are required to assist!"
harmonybankSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Fleeca Bank Harmony in Harmony^1! All police units are required to assist!"
banhamcanyonbankSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Bank in Banham Canyon^1! All police units are required to assist!"
pillboxbankSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Bank in Banham Canyon^1! All police units are required to assist!"
paletoammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Paleto Bay^1! All police units are required to assist!"
senora24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 on Senora Fwy // Mount Chilliad^1! All police units are required to assist!"
senora242SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 on Senora Fwy // Grand Senora Desert^1! All police units are required to assist!"
harmony24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Harmony^1! All police units are required to assist!"
sandy24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Sandy Shores^1! All police units are required to assist!"
chumash24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Chumash^1! All police units are required to assist!"
banhamcanyon24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Banham Canyon^1! All police units are required to assist!"
palomino24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 on Palomino Fwy^1! All police units are required to assist!"
vinewood24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Vinewood^1! All police units are required to assist!"
strawberry24SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Strawberry^1! All police units are required to assist!"
sandyammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Sandy Shores^1! All police units are required to assist!"
ammo68SilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation on Route 68^1! All police units are required to assist!"
chumashammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Chumash^1! All police units are required to assist!"
palominoammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation on Palomino Fwy^1! All police units are required to assist!"
hawickammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Hawick^1! All police units are required to assist!"
littleseoulammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Little Seoul^1! All police units are required to assist!"
pillboxammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Pillbox Hill^1! All police units are required to assist!"
cypressammoSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Cypress Flats^1! All police units are required to assist!"
grapeseedltdSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Grapeseed^1! All police units are required to assist!"
richmanltdSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Richman Glen^1! All police units are required to assist!"
littleseoulltdSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Little Seoul^1! All police units are required to assist!"
davisltdSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Davis^1! All police units are required to assist!"
mirrorparkltdSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Mirror Park^1! All police units are required to assist!"
vespucchiliquorSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Liquor Store in Vespucci Canals^1! All police units are required to assist!"
harmonyliquorSilentAlarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Liquor Store in Harmony^1! All police units are required to assist!"
Version 3.0
Basically @Tiggythetiger fixed his original code and made it more pretty. He also made a new config file! You can change all values in the neat config.lua! Thanks so much Tiggy!
config = {
timeToRob = 60, -- In seconds
robbingStr = "Breaking into the Safe...",
displayBlips = true, -- Makes it so when a robbery is started a blip is created and flashes.
enableAmmunations = true, -- Enables all Ammunations to be robbed.
enable247 = true, -- Enables all 24/7's to be robbed.
enableGasStations = true, -- Enables all Gas Stations to be robbed.
enableBanks = true, -- Enables all Banks to be robbed.
enableLiquor = true, -- Enables all Liquor Stores to be robbed.
bankcoords = {
{name = "Paleto Bank", yeet = "C", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Blaine County Savings Bank in Paleto Bay^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -104.42, y = 6476.56, z=32.51-1.7},
{name = "Harmony Bank", yeet = "C", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Fleeca Bank Harmony in Harmony^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1177.32, y = 2711.79, z = 38.1 - 1},
{name = "Banham Canyon Bank", yeet = "C", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Bank in Banham Canyon^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -2957.5, y = 480.97, z = 15.71 - 1},
{name = "Pillbox Hill Bank", yeet = "C", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Bank in Pillbox Hill^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 146.46, y = -1044.67, z = 29.38 - 1},
ammunationcoords = {
{name = "Paleto Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Paleto Bay^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -334.27, y = 6082.13, z = 31.45 - 1},
{name = "Sandy Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Sandy Shores^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1689.63, y = 3757.84, z = 34.71 - 1},
{name = "Route 68 Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation on Route 68^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -1121.77, y = 2697.31, z = 18.55 - 1},
{name = "Chumash Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Chumash^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -3174.94, y = 1084.96, z = 20.84 - 1},
{name = "Palomino Fwy Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation on Palomino Fwy^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 2571.7, y = 292.58, z = 108.73 - 1},
{name = "Hawick Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Hawick^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 254.94, y = -47.05, z = 69.94 - 1},
{name = "Little Seoul Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Little Seoul^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -666.1, y = -933.72, z = 21.83 - 1},
{name = "Pillbox Hill Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Pillbox Hill^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 12.62, y = -1105.23, z = 29.8 - 1},
{name = "Cypress Flats Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Cypress Flats^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 819.6, y = -2155.81, z = 29.62 - 1},
{name = "Morningwood Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in Morningwood^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -1303.41, y = -391.09, z = 36.7 - 1},
{name = "La Mesa Ammunation", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Ammunation in La Mesa^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 846.1, y = -1035.17, z = 28.26 - 1},
shopcoords = {
{name = "24/7 Senora Fwy // Mount Chilliad", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 on Senora Fwy // Mount Chilliad^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1734.54, y = 6420.27, z = 35.04 - 1},
{name = "24/7 on Senora Fwy // Grand Senora Desert", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 on Senora Fwy // Grand Senora Desert^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 2673.21, y = 3286.36, z = 55.24 - 1},
{name = "Harmony 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Harmony^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 546.35, y = 2663.35, z = 42.16 - 1},
{name = "Sandy 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Sandy Shores^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1960.71, y = 3748.53, z = 32.36 - 1},
{name = "Chumash 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Chumash^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -3249.52, y = 1004.41, z = 12.83 - 1},
{name = "Banham Canyon 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Banham Canyon^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -3047.39, y = 585.85, z = 7.91 - 1},
{name = "Palomino Fwy 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 on Palomino Fwy^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 2549.84, y = 384.93, z = 108.64 - 1},
{name = "Vinewood 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Vinewood^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 377.99, y = 332.96, z = 103.57 - 1},
{name = "Strawberry 24/7", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^524/7 in Strawberry^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 28.71, y = -1339.51, z = 29.5 - 1},
ltdcoords = {
{name = "Grapeseed LTD", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Grapeseed^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1707.27, y = 4919.77, z = 42.09 - 1},
{name = "Richman Glen LTD", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Richman Glen^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -1828.57, y = 799.13, z = 138.20 - 1},
{name = "Little Seoul LTD", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Little Seoul^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -709.11, y = -904.12, z = 19.22 - 1},
{name = "Davis LTD", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Davis^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -42.99, y = -1748.79, z = 29.42 - 1},
{name = "Mirror Park LTD", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5LTD in Mirror Park^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1160.38, y = -313.88, z = 69.21 - 1},
liquorcoords = {
{name = "Vespucci Canals Liquor Store", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Liquor Store in Vespucci Canals^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = -1220.25, y = -915.79, z = 11.33 - 1},
{name = "Harmony Liquor Store", alarm = "^1^*A silent alarm has been triggered at the ^5Liquor Store in Harmony^1! All police units are required to assist!",
x = 1168.83, y = 2718.03, z = 37.16 - 1},
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