
Setting up BadgerStaffPanel

Discord Application Configuration

$clientID = '{CLIENT-ID}';
$clientSecret = '{CLIENT-SECRET}';
$redirect_URI = '{REDIRECT-URI}';
$guildID = '{GUILD-ID}';
$discordRedirectAuth = '{DISCORD-REDIRECT-AUTH}';
$botToken = '{BOT-TOKEN}';
  • Click on New Application then name the bot what you would like

  • Click Copy under the Client ID on the page. Then replace {CLIENT-ID} within the config.php file

  • Click Copy under the Client Secret on the page. Then replace the {CLIENT-SECRET} within the config.php file

  • Click on OAuth2 within the side navigation bar

  • Add your website's URL as a redirect, for example we will use http://localhost for a locally hosted website

  • You will then want to generate a discord authorization link

  • To do this, navigate down to the OAuth2 URL Generator section, then select our http://localhost redirect URL

  • Now we choose the options we need for the authorization URL, select identify, email, and guilds

  • Now you will want to click the Copy button and copy the huge link that has been generated

  • Now we go back into our config.php file again

$redirect_URI = '{REDIRECT-URI}';
$guildID = '{GUILD-ID}';
$discordRedirectAuth = '{DISCORD-REDIRECT-AUTH}';
$botToken = '{BOT-TOKEN}';
  • You now want to submit http://localhost where {REDIRECT-URI} is located

  • You then want to submit the huge link you copied in the previous step and replace {DISCORD-REDIRECT-AUTH} with it

  • You now need to get the guild ID of your discord server

  • You will first turn on the developer mode in Discord to be able to do this (check below GIF)

  • Now you will need to copy your server's guild ID (check below GIF)

  • Now replace {GUILD-ID} with the guild ID you just got through your discord application

  • We now need to create a discord bot, navigate to Bot on the side navigation

  • Create the discord bot, confirm creating it

  • Now, click Copy and get the discord bot token

  • Replace{BOT-TOKEN} within the config.php file with the token you had just copied

  • Invite the discord bot to your server now by going to the OAuth2 on the side navigation

  • Click Copy and then enter the URL in a browser, then invite this bot to your discord server

  • You have now completed the discord application configuration section of BadgerStaffPanel

Server API Configuration

$serverIP = '{SERVER-IP}';
$port = 80; // Website port
$steamAPIkey = '{STEAM-API-KEY}';
$server_port = 30120;
$rconPassword = '{RCON-PASSWORD}';
$serverName = '{SERVER-NAME}';
  • Replace {SERVER-IP} with the server IP of your server

  • Replace 80 with the port your website runs on (for most websites, the default port is port 80)

  • Replace {STEAM-API-KEY} with the steam API key you get from a key you get from

  • Replace 30120 with the port of your FiveM server (for most servers, the default port is 30120)

  • Replace {RCON-PASSWORD} with the RCON password within your server.cfg file

  • Replace {SERVER-NAME} with your server's name

  • You have now completed the server API configuration section of BadgerStaffPanel

SQL Configuration

$host = '';
$username = '';
$password = '';
$db = '';
$port = 3306;

Website Permissions Configuration

$permissionsSetup = [
    '{T-MOD-RANK}' => [// Start T-Mod
    ], // End T-Mod
    '{MOD-RANK}' => [// Start Mod
    ], // End Mod
    '{ADMIN-RANK}' => [ // Start Admin
    ], // End Admin
    '{MANAGEMENT-RANK}' => [ // Start Management
    ], // End Management
  • Replace {T-MOD-RANK} with the role ID of the T-Mod rank in your discord server

  • Replace {MOD-RANK} with the role ID of the Mod rank in your discord server

  • Replace {ADMIN-RANK} with the role ID of the Admin rank in your discord server

  • Replace {MANAGEMENT-RANK} with the role ID of the Management rank in your discord server

Last updated