

  • Click on New Application then name the bot what you would like (however SimpleRoleBot makes the most sense)

  • Click on Bot on the side bar

  • Click on Add Bot

###     SimpleRoleBot     ###
###      created by       ###
###        Badger         ###
BotToken: ''
  693833984173408328: # Staff Role
    - '*' # All Permission for every role below their highest role
  693901091678716006: # National Guard OIC
    - '694065977398132738' # National Guard HC
    - '694065982565515265' # National Guard FTO
    - '694065982565515265' # National Guard Recruiter
    - '694065988206985244' # Military Police
    - '694065994850762794' # Civilian Contractor NG
    - '693900886535307346' # National Guardsmen
  694065977398132738: # National Guard HC
    - '694065982565515265' # National Guard FTO
    - '694065982565515265' # National Guard Recruiter
    - '694065988206985244' # Military Police
    - '694065994850762794' # Civilian Contractor NG
    - '693900886535307346' # National Guardsmen
  693856860750479371: # CHP Commissioner
    - '694648106117103728' # CHP High Command
    - '694648102300287187' # CHP Deputy Commissioner
    - '694648103193804902' # CHP FTO Evaluation Specialist
    - '694648104409890897' # CHP Patrol Administration
    - '694648107018879008' # CHP Assistant Commissioner
    - '694648108671434902' # CHP Chief
    - '694648110437236766' # CHP Colonel
    - '694648111418835076' # CHP Lieutenant Colonel
    - '694648113520181297' # CHP Major
    - '694648114438602804' # CHP Captain
    - '694649104801988618' # CHP Lieutenant
    - '694649105552638043' # CHP Staff Sergeant
    - '694649106391629914' # CHP Supervisor
    - '694649106894815252' # CHP Sergeant
    - '694649107943260170' # CHP Corporal
    - '694649108765343786' # CHP Patrol FTO
    - '694649108778188871' # Trooper First Class
    - '694649109922971669' # Trooper
    - '694649111995220560' # Probationary Trooper
    - '694649112544673850' # CHP Application Handler
    - '694649758584930404' # CHP Recruitment Team
    - '694678105503039519' # CHP Supervisor
    - '693856967445446656' # CHP
  694648106117103728: # CHP High Command
    - '694648102300287187' # CHP Deputy Commissioner
    - '694648103193804902' # CHP FTO Evaluation Specialist
    - '694648104409890897' # CHP Patrol Administration
    - '694648107018879008' # CHP Assistant Commissioner
    - '694648108671434902' # CHP Chief
    - '694648110437236766' # CHP Colonel
    - '694648111418835076' # CHP Lieutenant Colonel
    - '694648113520181297' # CHP Major
    - '694648114438602804' # CHP Captain
    - '694649104801988618' # CHP Lieutenant
    - '694649105552638043' # CHP Staff Sergeant
    - '694649106391629914' # CHP Supervisor
    - '694649106894815252' # CHP Sergeant
    - '694649107943260170' # CHP Corporal
    - '694649108765343786' # CHP Patrol FTO
    - '694649108778188871' # Trooper First Class
    - '694649109922971669' # Trooper
    - '694649111995220560' # Probationary Trooper
    - '694649112544673850' # CHP Application Handler
    - '694649758584930404' # CHP Recruitment Team
    - '694678105503039519' # CHP Supervisor
    - '693856967445446656' # CHP
  693857216725516299: # Sheriff
    - '694654347962876035' # SO High Command
    - '694653003184996423' # Chief Deputy
    - '694653005194199041' # Colonel
    - '694653007698198630' # Major
    - '694653017378521098' # Captain
    - '694653009552211988' # Lieutenant
    - '694653011569541140' # Sergeant
    - '694653013259845723' # Corporal
    - '694653015176773693' # Master Deputy
    - '694653019253506078' # Senior Deputy
    - '694653022525194372' # Deputy
    - '694653021019439174' # Probationary Deputy
    - '694735836456943666' # SO Awaiting Training
    - '694654349309378620' # SO FTO
    - '694654352052322384' # SO Application Handler
    - '694654353763598336' # SO Supervisor
    - '693857339672887367' # Sheriff Department
  694654347962876035: # SO High Command
    - '694653003184996423' # Chief Deputy
    - '694653005194199041' # Colonel
    - '694653007698198630' # Major
    - '694653017378521098' # Captain
    - '694653009552211988' # Lieutenant
    - '694653011569541140' # Sergeant
    - '694653013259845723' # Corporal
    - '694653015176773693' # Master Deputy
    - '694653019253506078' # Senior Deputy
    - '694653022525194372' # Deputy
    - '694653021019439174' # Probationary Deputy
    - '694735836456943666' # SO Awaiting Training
    - '694654349309378620' # SO FTO
    - '694654352052322384' # SO Application Handler
    - '694654353763598336' # SO Supervisor
    - '693857339672887367' # Sheriff Department
  693857132902088736: # LAPD Chief of Police
    - '694650836550287471' # LAPD High Command
    - '694649763156459550' # LAPD Assistant Chief of Police
    - '694650813997383711' # LAPD Deputy Chief of Police
    - '694650815893340271' # LAPD Commander
    - '694650818472837149' # LAPD Captain
    - '694650820532371528' # LAPD Lieutenant
    - '694650822751027200' # LAPD Police Sergeant II
    - '694650824931934248' # LAPD Police Sergeant
    - '694650827435933727' # LAPD Corporal
    - '694650829822623784' # LAPD Police Officer
    - '694650832452321301' # LAPD Trainee
    - '694650834285363200' # LAPD Supervisor
    - '694650838852829268' # LAPD Training Officer
    - '694650841230999553' # LAPD Application Handler
    - '693857015663034429' # LAPD
  694650836550287471: # LAPD High Command
    - '694649763156459550' # LAPD Assistant Chief of Police
    - '694650813997383711' # LAPD Deputy Chief of Police
    - '694650815893340271' # LAPD Commander
    - '694650818472837149' # LAPD Captain
    - '694650820532371528' # LAPD Lieutenant
    - '694650822751027200' # LAPD Police Sergeant II
    - '694650824931934248' # LAPD Police Sergeant
    - '694650827435933727' # LAPD Corporal
    - '694650829822623784' # LAPD Police Officer
    - '694650832452321301' # LAPD Trainee
    - '694650834285363200' # LAPD Supervisor
    - '694650838852829268' # LAPD Training Officer
    - '694650841230999553' # LAPD Application Handler
    - '693857015663034429' # LAPD
  693899388858138685: # Head of Fire/EMS
    - '694655531133960304' # Deputy Head of Fire/EMS
    - '694655532740378644' # High Command Fire/EMS
    - '694655533298483201' # MedEvac Team Leader
    - '694655535018147941' # Fire Commissioner
    - '694655536527966258' # Deputy Fire Commissioner
    - '694655538188779601' # District Chief
    - '694655539111657523' # Assistant District Chief
    - '694655540802093097' # Captain
    - '694655541703606283' # Lieutenant
    - '694655543192715466' # Firefighter
    - '694655544555864179' # Probationary Firefighter
    - '694655545851904011' # Senior Paramedic
    - '694657765888491601' # Paramedic
    - '694657770879975545' # EMT
    - '694657775552430193' # Probationary EMT
    - '694658269062365187' # Fire/EMS FTO
    - '694658273407795257' # Sr.Paramedic
    - '694658277421613056' # Senior Firefighter
    - '694658280454226161' # MedEvac
    - '693899961800327309' # Fire/EMS Department
  694655532740378644: # High Command Fire/EMS
    - '694655531133960304' # Deputy Head of Fire/EMS
    - '694655533298483201' # MedEvac Team Leader
    - '694655535018147941' # Fire Commissioner
    - '694655536527966258' # Deputy Fire Commissioner
    - '694655538188779601' # District Chief
    - '694655539111657523' # Assistant District Chief
    - '694655540802093097' # Captain
    - '694655541703606283' # Lieutenant
    - '694655543192715466' # Firefighter
    - '694655544555864179' # Probationary Firefighter
    - '694655545851904011' # Senior Paramedic
    - '694657765888491601' # Paramedic
    - '694657770879975545' # EMT
    - '694657775552430193' # Probationary EMT
    - '694658269062365187' # Fire/EMS FTO
    - '694658273407795257' # Sr.Paramedic
    - '694658277421613056' # Senior Firefighter
    - '694658280454226161' # MedEvac
    - '693899961800327309' # Fire/EMS Department
  693857605159747646: # FAA Director
    - '693901064847622146' # FAA Deputy Director
    - '693900243238125620' # FAA FTO
    - '693900419432448040' # FAA Flight Instructor
    - '694291765452079166' # FAA Mil-Grade
    - '693900058659127357' # FAA Commercial
    - '693899544513216563' # FAA Aircraft
    - '693899765561294939' # FAA Rotorcraft
    - '693857675888295976' # FAA Certified
    - '693899292716302486' # FAA Recruit
    - '693900790779215912' # FAA
    - '693900832718061638' # ATC FTO
    - '693900658473959496' # ATC
  693900243238125620: # FAA FTO
    - '693900419432448040' # FAA Flight Instructor
    - '694291765452079166' # FAA Mil-Grade
    - '693900058659127357' # FAA Commercial
    - '693899544513216563' # FAA Aircraft
    - '693899765561294939' # FAA Rotorcraft
    - '693857675888295976' # FAA Certified
    - '693899292716302486' # FAA Recruit
    - '693900790779215912' # FAA
    - '693900832718061638' # ATC FTO
    - '693900658473959496' # ATC
    - '693901064847622146' # FAA Deputy Director
  • You now will want to place that token you copied and place it into the '' that comes after BotToken:

  • After doing this, save the config.yml file

  • Go back to the applications page of the discord developers site

  • Click on OAuth2

  • Do exactly as is done in the GIF on the OAuth2

  • Paste this link you just copied into your browser, then invite the bot to your discord server you'd like the bot on

  • You can invite this bot to as many servers as you'd like, however you will need to set up configurations for roles for each different server you add it to

  • After doing all of this, you will have the bot properly set up to run and work on your server.

  • All you need to do is click start_SimpleRoleBot.bat file to start up the bot

Configuring Permissions via RoleIDs in config.yml

  • You will now navigate to the config.yml file and open it

  • We now need to understand how the configuration works

###     SimpleRoleBot     ###
###      created by       ###
###        Badger         ###
BotToken: ''
  693833984173408328: # Staff Role
    - '*' # All Permission for every role below their highest role
  693901091678716006: # National Guard OIC
    - '694065977398132738' # National Guard HC
  • The roles under RoleConfiguration: are known as the RoleID keys

  • The RoleID keys 693901091678716006 and 693901091678716006 are the ID of roles that you will set up permissions for for adding and removing roles from other users

  • All the RoleID values which can be displayed as '*' and '694065977398132738' are also IDs of roles within discord, however these are the IDs of roles that the RoleID key role will be able to add and remove from users

  • Note: 693901091678716006 is the ID of the role National Guard OIC within my discord server

  • Note: 693833984173408328 is the ID of the role Staff within my discord server

  • If you would like to give a role permissions to add/remove roles to users (so long as the role is below their highest role), you will want to give them the '*' permission under their RoleID key

Any further questions and/or concerns?

You may gather more support personally and from other members of the Badger Developer Community over here.

Last updated